Storytelling Akademiet is a powerhouse for storytelling

Storytelling Akademiet ser storytelling som katalysator for virksomhedens strategi skaber fortællinger, der gør drømme realiserbare ser storytelling som katalysator for virksomhedens strategi

What we do at Storytelling Akademiet

Storytelling Akademiet inspirerer ledere og globale organisationer til at skabe stærke fortællinger, der gør en forskel menneskeligt, strategisk og på bundlinjen. 



You can book lectures on storytelling. Get in touch for more information.
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Corporate storytelling


Strategic storytelling which targets the specific challenges and ambitions of the company.
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1:1 storytelling course


Aimed at senior managers and executives. Create a powerful story that boosts momentum and inspires.
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PODCAST: Bag kulissen​: Du kommer bag kulissen hos verdens bedste corporate storytellere. Fantastiske fortællere lykkes med at skabe fortællinger, der skaber forandring, flytter holdninger, bevæger mennesker – og skaber resultater på bundlinjen. Jeg spørger nogle af dem, der er bedst til at mestre denne disciplin, om de vil dele ud af deres tilgang og erfaring. Lyt her eller hvor du plejer at høre podcast. 

Samlede antal kursister på online forløb hos Storytelling Akademiet *

* Powerboost din story, Storytelling & sociale medier, Storytellers Playbook og Limited Edition forløb

Kom med Bag kulissen – hos verdens bedste corporate storytellers. Der er én ting, der kendetegner succesfulde virksomheder.  De er drevet af eminente storytellers. I bogen får du svar på, hvordan de gør, og du kommer bag kulissen hos en række inspirerende cases og får deres bedste anbefalinger. Jeg inddrager den nyeste forskning på tværs af kommunikation, marketing, ledelse og adfærdsdesign, og du lærer, hvordan du bringer metoden ind i hverdagen med nogle få greb. Bogen er udgivet på Forlaget Frydenlund, og du kan købe den lige her. 

Recommendations for you

We have gathered together a range of specific recommendations, which can inspire you to create a powerful story. You can access them here, entirely for free. 

Start your journey now

Start your journey today with Kick-Start Your Story. This is a free online course where I help you to create a strong and solid story that puts focus on your passion. The course is divided into three modules, consisting of a video and a short exercise. You will also get a personal storybook and extra bonus materials. Your personal storybook brings together the pieces for your own story. You can also read the book: Storytelling, hvad er din fortælling? It contains all the tools you could possibly need to begin telling your own story and strengthening your brand. Kickstart din story. Det er et gratis online forløb, hvor jeg hjælper dig med at skabe en stærk fortælling med fokus på din passion.

Forløbet er opdelt i tre moduler, der består af en video og en lille opgave. Du får også en personlig storybook og ekstra bonusmateriale. Din personlige storybook samler brikkerne til din fortælling.

Thank you so much Helle for the engaging session! Our team members commended on how structured the sessions were done with many useful tools and methodologies that they can take to create their own storytelling techniques. A few colleagues were a bit dubious of Helle’s process prior to attending the session but have turned around and expressed positively by the end of the session! Helle first took time to understand the team’s needs in a small group session prior to our engagement; she then tailored the sessions to make it relevant and tangible by incorporating several thought-provoking break-out sessions, which helped the team to put learnings into practice. Lastly, a few members recognized the importance of using data to back up your storytelling and observed that Helle practices what she teaches in her workshop—the presentation materials were filled with lots of insightful data and statistics to back up her teachings. Overall, very happy with Helle and Katrine! The only regret for the team was that we should have had Helle and Katrine designed longer workshops for us.

Interview via Berlingske, 5 January 2022. Also published as an inspiration interview in Berlingske., 3 March 2022

Interview via Børsen, 11 August 2021. Also published as a six-page portrait interview in Børsen Søndag. 11. august 2021. Også udgivet som 6-siders portrætinterview i Børsen søndag.

Client testimonials

Storytelling Akademiets fortælling

Storytelling Akademiet er stiftet af Helle Rosendahl. Hendes mission er at skabe et powerhouse for storytelling og inspirere ledere og virksomheder til at skabe stærke fortællinger. 

Hun er forfatter til to bøger om strategisk storytelling. Hendes anden bog “Bag Kulissen – hos verdens bedste corporate storytellers” udkom i april 2024 på Forlaget Frydenlund. 

Hun tilbyder foredrag og workshops i relation til storytelling, thought leadership og inspirational talks og er tilknyttet som foredragsholder hos High Performance InstituteSpeakersLounge samt Arte Booking.

Hun er mor til tre  samt en anerkendt debattør om life/work balance i erhvervsmedierne, hvoraf flere af hendes indlæg har været ‘mest læste’. 


Vi har bl.a samarbejdet med: 

BlueWater Fonden  |  DR  |  HK Kommunal  |  Danske Bank  |  Omega Finans  |  Uddannelses- & Forskningsministeriet  |  |  Computerworld  |  Jobindex  |  Nordea  |  Female GoGetters  |  Hjemmeværnet  |  ISS  |  Journalisthøjskolen  |  Jyske Bank  |  Frie Selvstændige  |  Inspired Beyond Babies  |  Formpipe  |  Immeo  |  Duff Beauty  |  Videnscentret Fertility Care  |  Nyibestyrelsen  |  Freeliving |  Microsoft  |  Kirkens Korshær  |  Lokalbolig  |  TrinTech  |  Wingmen  | Bern Film

Storytelling Akademiet provided consultancy to Wingmen in relation to the further development of our core narrative, as the company grew in just a few years from three founders to 60 employees across two locations. Our wish was to retain that original pioneering spirit and entrepreneurial approach while simultaneously marking out a visionary direction for the customers that our staff and customers can identify with. Storytelling Akademiet worked together with our management team to identify and share all our many great stories through our own channels and in the media. Helle was able to ask insightful questions which generated greater awareness around the good stories we have in the company and how we can use these stories as part of our employer branding to attract talents and specialists to our team. The overarching purpose was to use strategic storytelling to strengthen our brand, and Helle’s ability to use storytelling in a down-to-earth way was a good match for our values.

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