
What we do at Storytelling Akademiet

Storytelling Akademiet hjælper ledere og globale organisationer med at skabe stærke fortællinger med afsæt i passion, der gør en forskel rent strategisk og på bundlinjen. Vi arbejder med storytelling på tre niveauer: Virksomhedens DNA, ledergruppens fortælling og forankring hos medarbejderne. 

Strategic storytelling

Vi finder ind til virksomhedens DNA og skaber et narrativ, der formidler virksomhedens strategi. Dette forløb inkluderer workshop med storybook og anbefalinger for de strategiske kommunikationsinitiativer samt kommende milepæle for at stadfæste virksomhedens position som thought leader inden for sit felt. Læs mere om corporate storytelling her.

Management’s story

Here we tune in to the way that management’s story is conveyed and we equip the management team to bring their story to life across the organisation. Focus is placed on the stories of the managers themselves, how they communicate them and how they connect to the overarching narrative of the business.


Before your true potential can be unleashed, it is necessary to anchor the strategy and purpose of your business with its individual employees. This is why, it is worthwhile to work with storytelling in a way which creates meaning for your employees.

Det kan ske via online forløb, workshops eller 1:1 forløb. Læs mere om 1:1 forløb her.


Helle Rosendahl is a keynote speaker on topics related to storytelling, personal branding, thought leadership and inspirational talks.


Storytelling Akademiet also offers ghostwriting services for columns, articles and debate pieces on behalf of clients. In addition, Helle is also the author of a book on storytelling and she has written a number of columns published in outlets such as and the Danish newspaper Børsen on subjects related to storytelling, entrepreneurship and the passion economy.

See more on featured.

1:1 Courses

Storytelling Akademiet offers 1:1 courses – either as a part of an agreement with a global company for 1:1 sessions with individual managers – or for private individuals who want to work on developing their story. Often our clients are C-suite managers or company owners. 

Courses can be held digitally or in person. 

Need some help?

You are always welcome to contact Storytelling Akademiet for more information about how we can help you to create a powerful story.

Start your journey today

Start your journey today with the book,Storytelling, hvad er din fortælling – personlig branding reshapedIt contains all the tools you could possibly need to begin telling your own story and strengthening your brand.


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